7 Fruit Juice that helps to boost immune system against covid-19

Now the world is fighting from Coronavirus. Thousands of people are infected and so many people died due to getting infected from this virus. But people who are having good immunity power can give the fight against covid-19. If you take good healthy food or fruit juices and you have a good immunity power your body is able to combat against covid-19. Here we will talk about some simple but powerful foods that prevent covid 19. Fruits and vegetable juices help to improve your immune system. This really works and people started doing this. So if you make your body strong and healthy enough to give the fight against covid-19, here is the proper guideline for you. Please check the healthy juices information mentioned just below this article. 

1. Grapefruit Juice 

Grapefruit is heavily loaded with Vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential vitamin of our body that help us to fight against cold, flu and spreading other harmful bacteria in our body Covid-19. When our immune system gets low our body starts to resist and we get common diseases like cold and cough. The grapefruit is loaded with lots of antioxidants, minerals and nutrients that help us to improve the immune system. Folic Acid and Zinc are the subordinate minerals that protect the cells damage of our body. What you need to do is to blend grapefruit and then churn this juice and take this juice in the early morning with an empty stomach. Don’t take any breakfast with it. You will get to know the difference in the body within two or three days. You can also mix orange juice with grapefruit juice. 

2. Beat Carrot and ginger juice 

Beat help in improving the blood flow in the body. Carrot is a superfood has lots of antioxidants and essential nutrients that help to make your lungs and liver healthy. When your body is suffering from cold and flu ginger works as an analgesic Covid-19. This anti-inflammatory vegetable helps to fight against severe infections. Beetroot ginger and carrot juice is a healthy detox drink can be taken every morning. It is also advised that beet, carrot and ginger has a powerful drink that can kill severe cancer cells. This super juice is a nitrate food that relaxes arteries and improves oxygenation in heart and brain. If your near one is infected with coronavirus you can show your sympathy via experiencing Fruit bouquet delivery USA from us. 

3. Ginger 

Now ginger juice is also known as “anti-corona virus juice”. What we suggest to boil the one cup of water and then add 1 tbsp of crushed ginger in it. Now add three cloves and two crushed garlic in it. Let it boil for around 1 minute. Now strain this and drink it. It is now known as the best immunity booster drink all over the world. Also, it helps to excrete toxins heavily from the body. Ginger has phytonutrients that help to boost the digestive system. If your gut is healthy you can give a fight to the toxins in the body. Also, it helps to treat anaemia and menstrual disorders and menopause an elderly woman. So this way ginger is a powerful food reduces the chance of spreading infection in the body. 

4. Tomato Juice homemade Juice 

We use tomato in regular interval to make our cooked food delicious and tasty. But raw tomato juice tastes great and leads our body to fight against serious infections. Tomato has an abundance of vitamin C, lycopene, vitamin E and beta-carat one. Tomato works wonder when you are having low immunity. It provides instant energy to body provided you can add some sugar in it. The healing tomato juice eliminates the toxins from the body. It also helps to remove the fat-soluble toxins which improve heart health. Also, it is a great drink to prevent blood clotting and improving digestion system. Simply you have the best remedy at home to empower the immune system. 

5. Celery Leaves 

Celery is a super herb that helps to protect our body from inflammation, cough, cold and flu. Celery has more than 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that protect the cells from damage. Take celery leaves, add one tomato, some garlic and cloves and then blend them into the mixer. Churn that mixture and your healthy boost up drink is ready. You can also eat raw salary leaves. Dress up the salad and soup with celery leaves. Celery can be eaten in many forms. Celery contains vitamin A, K and C and minerals like folate and potassium. No worries you are far off from your relative. You can send fruit gift basket delivery online form here to show love and care.

6. Spinach lettuce and kale Juice 

Healthy green juice is rich with vitamin A, C and B-6. Spinach leaves compounds iron and folic and lettuce and kale keep your immune system strong. Spinach, lettuce and kale decrease the chance of spreading infection in the body. Also, it helps to make your stomach and heart strong and healthy to fight against those killing toxins. You will find multiples of antioxidant nutrients in each stalk of spinach and lettuce. It is claimed as a super juice to kill the 95% of infections from our body. 

7. Apple and Orange Juice 

An apple in a day keeps a doctor away” the well said quote really works when you are fighting against the COVID-19 virus. Apple and orange both really help inward off the infections from our body. When medicines do not work it’s an Ayurveda and natural fruit juices that help us to fend off the respiratory viruses and common cold. Apple and orange juice clear throat infection and congestion. It has antibacterial and antiviral properties which play a vital role in gaining optimum immune health. No worries you are locked down in home you can send a get well package using our online gift shop. 

We have talked about all types of healthy drinks that help to enhance your immune system. If your body is strong from inside it can ward off infection and lead to fighting against this killing virus. Please take care of your health. The situation is going worst all over the world. We should drink healthy fruit juices to produce and promote the immune system. Take care